
Monday, July 16, 2012

I Think My Esthetician Hates Me.

I think my esthetician hates me. 

I’ve been getting monthly facials in preparation for my upcoming wedding. I bought a 6-month package and I’ve gone in 4 times now. I swear my esthetician doesn’t like me. While she always has some warm chatter, she seems a little cold and I can’t help, but feel that she is judging me.

Perhaps it’s the fact that I’m at a med spa that serves the rich and famous in the trendy part of Hollywood, I just feel slightly unwelcomed. Maybe it’s just my own insecurities…actually it probably is.

Have you ever felt this way? Where you’re a little out of place and instead of recognizing it’s you, you end up blaming others for how you feel? What is that quote? “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” -Eleanor Roosevelt.

Who cares if my esthetician doesn’t like me? She is always on time with my appointments and does a great job, a job that I pay her for. We don’t have to be best friends, in fact we don’t even have to speak to each other, I’m there to get my skin scrubbed and polished and that’s exactly what she does for me and does it damn well.

Somehow I feel a little intimidated walking into the place. Maybe it’s all the ladies who lunch on Botox injections instead of wedge salads. Maybe it’s the long list of skin care options that they offer and I have no idea what they are, the crisp white couches, or maybe it’s just a part of town that I’m not familiar with. Either way, no one has been out right rude or mean to me.  They usually just offer me cucumber water or Perrier.

I can’t help feeling that my insecurities also come from the fact that I’m usually in my comfy, not so stylish clothes, and no make up. So when I preach about always looking your best to feel your best, why am I not following my own advice in this situation? It’s like I’m setting myself up for failure right?

I complain that everyone at the spa seems so glamorous and well groomed and styled; well they choose to put effort in their appearance. They care. They understand that it’s important to look their best; I mean, they are at a spa. So why do I give myself the excuse to dress down? I don’t dress down for yoga or the gym. In fact, my gym clothes are things I would be proud to be seen in.

Dressing for the occasion matters, but you should never dress down.
Next month I am going to follow my own advice for my facial and see if the same insecurities show up. 

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