
Monday, January 12, 2015

The Best of 2014 Blushes

Today's video is all about my favorite blushers from the past year. 

Growing up I auditioned in my teens for musicals, TV, film, and commercials. My mom was pretty laid back and never the stage mom, but the one thing she always got on me about in the car from OC to LA was, "Put more blush on." 

Now my mom never really told me what to do... EVER! For whatever reason I was against blush in my teens, not sure why. I think maybe the fear of looking like a clown or something. Anyways when going in for all these auditions, you're usually put on camera in a poorly lit room. Back in the day on actual tape, so blush was kind of an important thing. 

Many years later, I'm no longer afraid of blush, in fact I kind of have a love affair with it. Watch my latest video to see what my favorite blushes have been for the past year. 

Also don't forget to check out the whole series "The Best of 2014 Products" here.

What have you been loving this past year that will carrying into 2015?


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