Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Frenzy

As the holidays quickly approach us and we are driven into a frenzy of shopping, work, colds, and extreme weather conditions, we may loose site of what really matters and what the season really is all about. For me it’s family and friends. Though I cannot be surrounded with my close friends as much as I’d like to this year with the mass amount of last minute work, events, and chores, I do think of them often. I’m not even sure how I’ll deliver everyone’s Christmas presents on time this year. It seems the older I get the more spread out and hectic everyone’s lives become. Some of this makes me sad, but as I realize I’m engaged now and have responsibilities of my own that take away from being able to attend every holiday party and shop till to my hearts desire and eating fast food or God forbid even skip a meal to keep on shopping, I’m accepting that It’s okay to grow up a bit and have to say no. I still love everyone dearly and wouldn’t be the person I am with out them in my life (even though it’s been at a distance lately). I have amazing friends and family who support me and encourage me to keep going.

            It’s been such a crazy past week that I’m even behind on my weekly blog, that I promised myself I would commit to doing, but after freaking out and feeling guilty and like an utter failure, I relaxed, realized I’ll set aside some time today and take a few minutes before I start making dinner and write for myself.  
Since this is a blog about fashion and shopping and life, I'm dedicating it to gift giving. Now if you find that you hate shopping for gifts, or that you just hate shopping, or if your addicted to it like myself, I’m dedicating this blog to a list of my favorite on line shops. No more parking, waiting, driving, and germs from other shoppers! You can literally do everything on line these days and it has really saved my life this year for gift giving.
 Now of course you all know about amazon and ebay, but I’ve recently discovered  piperlime and I am in love! They have free shipping AND RETURN SHIPPING! That’s enough reason to shop here, but my favorite is that they have guest editors and Rachel Bilson (my fashion icon of the present) has her favorite picks of everything and you can click and buy, so easy! Best part is they always have sales and discount offers on some of my favorite designers. They even have gift cards!

            My other favorite go to designer on line shop would have to be bluefly This is for the higher end taste buds, but sometimes you can find some really great deals.

Remember if the gift is from the heart, the reciever will definatly appriciate it. I love to give gifts, I enjoy the process of looking for something that the special someone might really like and enjoy. I picture them using the gift in their lives. It makes me happy when I get to watch them open it. So try to enjoy this process that comes around only once a year and think of it as a way to honor those you care about. Don’t stress too much. Even if you can’t get anything too crazy or money is tight right now, I know I love it when I get baked goods. Be creative, knit a scarf, make some healthy new cookie recipies and wrap them up all pretty. It really is the thought that counts.
            Please feel free to ask me questions if you’re stuck on what to get someone this season! I love shopping and I would love to help you out!

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